Sesiidae - Clear wing moths - Glasflügler
(Lepidoptera: Sesiidae)

(© Dr. Franz Pühringer, Häusern 4, A-4817 St. Konrad, Austria, Email:
Tyrolean State Museums, Natural Sciences, Collection and Research Centre, Hall in Tirol, Austria)

  Latest updates: 25-Dec-2024

Synanthedon aurivillii
, male, 16.7.1995, CH - Val da Fain n. Berninapass, 2190 m

 Left: Franz Pühringer in biotope of S. kautzi, Spain, Prov. Granada, San Juan (Sierra Nevada), 2780 m, 4.7.2000
Right: Franz Pühringer in biotope of M. vogelii insperatus (Lycaenidae), Morocco, Haut Atlas, peak of Adrar-n-Guinnous, 2788 m, 1.7.2009

1. Checklist:

Checklist of the Sesiidae of the world:
Checklist of all described Sesiidae taxa including infrasubspecific ones.
This checklist does not comply with gender agreement any more, in line with Sommerer (2002) and Nieukerken et al. (2019). Gender-compliant names are however added in {curly brackets}.
The last version of the checklist respecting gender agreement can be accessed here. It is however outdated (17-May-2021), and will not be updated any more.

Generic Synopsis of Sesiidae:
Current systematics of Sesiidae.

2. Barcode of Life project:

Barcoding of Life - Sesiidae:
Progress of the Sesiid barcoding project.

3. Pheromones:

Pheromone attraction of clear wing moths (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) I:
Pheromones attractive to European and North African Sesiidae species.
Pheromone attraction of clear wing moths (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) II:
Time of pheromone attraction of European and North African Sesiidae species.

Composition of pheromones (Sesiidae):
Composition of Priesner and Wageningen pheromones.

Pheromone tests (Sesiidae):
Instructions for testing pheromones with European and North African Sesiidae species.

Gebrauch der Pheromonpräparate (in German).
Instructions for use of pheromones (in English).

4. Phenology of Sesiidae:

Phenology of Palearctic clear wing moths:
Occurrence of imagines in the field.

5. Biology of Sesiidae:

Biology of European and North African clear wing moths in pictures:
A lot of pictures, still under construction!

6. Distribution of Sesiidae:

Distribution of Sesiidae in Europe
Distribution of Sesiidae in Austria (in German)

7. Literature:

Literature on clear wing moths worldwide (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) A-K:
Literature on clear wing moths worldwide (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) L-Z:
4995 literature references, including zoogeographical papers with notes on Sesiidae.

8. Indexes:

Index of Lastuvka & Lastuvka: An Illustrated Key to European Sesiidae (Lepidoptera):
Index of Kudas & Reichl: Die Schmetterlinge Oberösterreichs (Vol. 1-3):
If you have been missing an index in the above mentioned books, here is it.

9. Entomologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Salzkammergut:

Vorträge im Winterhalbjahr 2024/2025
Mitteilungen der Entomologischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Salzkammergut

10. Eupithecia:

Biology, hostplants, phenology, occurence in Austria (Weigt 2006).
Eupithecia - hostplants

11. Schmetterlinge im Nationalpark Kalkalpen (Oberösterreich):

Aktuelle Artenliste
Aktuelle Artenliste mit Synonymen
Hauptflugzeiten der Großschmetterlinge
Hauptflugzeiten der Großschmetterlinge inkl. (evtl.) noch zu erwartende Arten

12. Sesiidae links:

Interesting pages in the world wide web.
Sesiidae of Europe and North Africa (including Canary Islands)
List arranged according to The Sesiidae of Europe (Lastuvka & Lastuvka 2001).
Lepiforum - Bestimmungshilfe
Sesiidae of Serbia (I. Tosevski)
The Pherobase
Lists of Sex Pheromones of Lepidoptera.
Further links >>